Marley's World at a Glance
A Bit of Background
Founded in 1999, Marley's World is not a place but rather a belief, Simply stated, We may not be able to do everything but we refuse to do nothing. We are a registered nonprofit corporation in the state of Arkansas, We actively network with private and public entities to provide rescue and relief to animals in need.
Meet Kyle and Marley

Marley's World welcomes you and are so happy you have found us. We are named after a handsome golden retriever named Marley, and this is his world. His owner and founder, Kyle has raised him from a young pup, and together they have opened their home and hearts to saving dogs. Marley's World was formed to provide stray and abandoned dogs with medical care, nutrition, and training, with a goal to improve their ability to be successfully adopted. We are not an animal control facility or a kill shelter, and we don not receive any government support. Our founder and board members are all volunteers and our monetary funds are generated primarily through donations.
Meet the new face of Marley's World

Let me be the first to wish you a Buenos Cinco de Mayo. Around here it is like our almost favorite holiday because we love everything Mexican! I've been so nervous because Pa asked me to be the official spokesperson for Marley's World and to wear the famous dingle ball hat. Not every girl looks good in dingle balls but I think I pulled it off real good. Si?

Down under that misty cloud is the Mono Jungle. Few people venture there as the trails come and go as the rive and debris shift and the plants grow in the almost tropical rain forest. Many Years ago Marley and Paw crossed the length of it and almost did not live to tell about it. Paw got lost and then scared as every path petered out in impenetrable bush. Marley kept sitting by the trail refusing to follow. Finally Paw let Marley lead and soon they were safely back.
Early this morning Marley once again led the way on a journey that I am not ready to take. I can close my eyes and see him waiting by the path for me to catch up. Some people call it the Rainbow bridge or the other side. Till we meet again old friend.............